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Welcome to GSD & Me

The content of this website is intended for UK patients. Information concerning liver Glycogen Storage Disease management is based upon UK practice. As dietary management may vary in different countries, please speak to your metabolic team at the hospital for individualised advice for your GSD.

Girl in the rain with an umbrella Girl in the rain with an umbrella
Living with GSD

With modern-day management, you can lead a full and active life with a liver GSD.

The key to success is being prepared. This includes making sure you have all the information required for the different aspects of your life.


James playing
Small girl with a drawing Small girl with a drawing
School and further education

If GSD is well managed, it should provide no barrier to academic achievement. It’s important, however, that key personnel (such as teachers, lecturers, school nurse and kitchen staff) are aware of some key facts.

Learn more

Group of kids with a basketball Group of kids with a basketball

Everybody is advised to stay active for a fit and healthy life. Find out what you need to bear in mind when taking part in activities.

More on sport

Woman addressing a business meeting Woman addressing a business meeting

Having an active and fulfilling work life is important. Here are some of the things you need to think about to manage your condition in work.

More on employment

Woman on a swing looking out to sea Woman on a swing looking out to sea
Mental health

We can all experience up and downs in our lives and this is perfectly normal. However, people with a lifelong health condition, such as GSD, may be more prone to mental health concerns.

Learn more

Woman looking out to the distance Woman looking out to the distance

Successful pregnancies can and do happen for women with GSD.

Pregnancy places extra demands on a woman’s body. If you want to have a child, extra care is needed for both of you and your baby. Your care should be shared between your Specialist Metabolic Team and local Maternity team.

Ideally, any pregnancies should be planned.

Group of female friends Group of female friends
Friends and family

As with any lifelong condition, emotional and practical support from your friends and family can be invaluable. You might find it useful to direct them to this website or to the AGSD patient support group website (see link at the bottom of this page).

Family waving on a beach Family waving on a beach

Holidays, short trips and weekends away are all possible if planned in advance. It‘s especially important to know what to do and where to go if you become ill when you are away.

More about travel

Support Groups

Did you know there are support groups for those with GSD?

Support groups can be invaluable in helping you reach out to others with the condition. They supply both online and physical resources, organise meetings and have helplines